Turning Small Talk to Big Talk

Small talk. We do enough of that with our fingers in five-word text “conversations” or in dull, surface-level, face-to-face interactions. Small talk isn’t getting us anywhere. What we need today more than ever is “Big Talk,” real conversations in which we dig deep into our souls and discuss intriguing topics that truly shape the world and impact our daily lives. 

Conversation is undoubtedly the most important part of a relationship, whether it’s business, personal, or spiritual. It’s the only way to truly get to know someone, and it’s the best method in strengthening your bond with a business partner, spouse, friends, your children, and even God.

Each of us wants to interact with others, and all of us want to be heard.  

How to Make interesting small talk | English small talk tips and phrases | English conversation questions

Author: Dennis Hickey

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