Reprogram Your Brain to Achieve a Lean Body


It may seem like losing weight has everything to do with what you eat and how often you move your body. However, it turns out that there may be ways to get your brain in on the action in order to achieve a lean and healthy body.

1. Manage stress

First, it’s key to manage stress/cortisol effectively so you don’t turn to comfort food to feel better.

To effectively lose weight and keep it off, it’s critical to focus on the behaviors that are getting in the way of progress and learn to modify those behaviors in order to reach goals.

2. Nourish your microbiome

Beyond that, you need to nourish your microbiome. Research shows that not only does having a healthy microbiome support weight loss, but it can also boost your immune system and mood.

3. Use self-compassion

The third way to reprogram your brain for weight loss is to use self-compassion to regulate your emotions so you don’t eat your feelings.

Reprogramming your brain, along with retraining your taste buds and using behavior modification, is the way to long-term weight loss. If it was just about the food, people would not be enrolling and re-enrolling in all the large weight loss programs.

4. Take your time

However, remember this one important tip: take your time.  Reprogramming your brain along with behavior modification should be done in a slow, steady, and consistent process to be successful.

Article by Desirée O. for: Eat This, Not That©

Author: Dennis Hickey

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