These Foods Can Trigger Kidney Stones

1. Chocolate ©Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Eat high-oxalate foods in moderation to better prevent kidney stones. A prime example is reducing chocolate intake—the sweet treat is high in oxalates and sugar, and too much of it can cause trouble down the road.

2. Red Meat

There are different kinds of kidney stones, however, which means further reduction of certain foods. For example, red meat like pork and beef is best left to a minimum, less consumption wards off multiple kinds of stones.

3. Excessive Sodium

In general, less salt is a good move for your kidneys. A lower-sodium diet helps prevent kidney stones and keeps cholesterol down, which is important for proper kidney function.

4. Fast Food

Fast food is not only highly processed, but it’s also loaded with sodium—two things that can lead to kidney stone formation. To make matters worse, it’s packed with empty calories, grease, and high levels of fat. It’s best to keep away altogether.

5. Nuts ©Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

It’s a good idea to enjoy certain nuts in moderation. Walnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds are all pretty high in oxalates, so while they don’t need to be cut out entirely, they shouldn’t be consumed regularly.

6. Soda

Hydration is crucial for kidney stone prevention, but mind what you drink. Studies show that some sodas lead to an increased risk of kidney stones, particularly due to ingredients like caffeine and high fructose corn syrup.

7. Beets

Beets are high in oxalates, so sufferers of calcium oxalate kidney stones should veer away from them. They’re an especially bad idea if you or someone in your family already has a history of kidney stones.

8. Spinach

Spinach is another veggie well-known for its oxalate content. However, it’s also loaded with vitamins and fiber, so you may not have to nix it entirely (unless a doctor says otherwise). Be mindful of how much you eat and what else is in your diet.

9. Soy Foods

Some soy foods contain ingredients that encourage various stones, so consume them with caution. This means that things like soybean or soy milk should only be consumed in moderation, if at all depending on what your doctor recommends.

10. Rhubarb

Rhubarb has a higher amount of oxalates, so it might be a good idea to limit your intake. If you’ve already struggled with calcium oxalate stones, rhubarb may only exacerbate the problem. Make sure you speak with your doctor to find out whether it should be kept off your diet altogether. 

Source: The Spicy Chefs©

Author: Dennis Hickey

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