Man Cave Statistics

Here are the latest Man Cave Statistics in 2023

Every year we gather, analyze and publish a collection of statistics related to Man Caves and home decor. When we find new stats, we add them to this ever-growing guide.

Below we’ve outlined some of the most interesting statistics related to man caves, whether that’s budgeting, common items, thoughts on man caves and even what the future of the man cave phenomenon looks like.

What is the preferred location for a man cave to be in the home?

56% of men would prefer their man cave to be in the basement of the home

What are the most popular man cave themes?

What’s the standard amount that people are willing to spend on their man cave?


Man Cave Features

What do Boomers want in a Man Cave?

 24% baby boomers want a fully stocked bar

What does Gen Z want in a man cave?

40% of Gen Z want exercise equipment

What do millennials want in a man cave?

26% of millennials want a gaming system

What does Gen X want in a man cave?

22% of Gen X want multiple TV’s

A survey by Joybird found that 59% of women stated that they had a ‘She Shed’ in their garden, closely rivalling the 65% of men who said they had a man cave.

All in all, it’s incredibly interesting and also positive to see an uptick in men and women looking to create renovation spaces in their home, whether that’s a shed, a cave, or a den!


Author: Dennis Hickey

There are no limits to success to those who never stop learning. Learning will nourish your personal growth. I hope you enjoy this website and visit often so you too keep learning too.

One thought on “Man Cave Statistics”

  1. Love this! My OH’s man cave is in an enclosed garage within an underground garage and it’s the bike and sundry store. He rides on his trainer there when the weather is inclement.

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