The #1 Cause of Memory Loss

1. The #1 Cause of Memory Loss

The #1 cause of memory loss is simply getting older. Some forgetfulness is normal and doesn’t indicate a serious problem.

“​​Forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging,” says the National Institute on Aging. “As people get older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. As a result, some people may notice that it takes longer to learn new things, they don’t remember information as well as they did, or they lose things like their glasses. These usually are signs of mild forgetfulness, not serious memory problems, like Alzheimer’s disease.”

2. Other Causes of Memory Loss

Memory loss can have many causes, including:

  • Poor sleep
  • Depression
  • A bad reaction to medication
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Head injury
  • Not eating a healthy diet, leading to a deficiency in B12
  • A condition called mild cognitive impairment

In many of these cases, a doctor can treat these conditions, resolving the memory loss.

Article by Michael Marti for ETNT.

RIP John Madden

Andy Marlette, USA TODAY Network

Hall of Famer John Madden, whose Oakland Raiders teams never had a losing season and a beloved football analyst for three decades, has died, the NFL said Tuesday night.

Madden, 85, passed away unexpectedly in the morning, according to the league.

“On behalf of the entire NFL family, we extend our condolences to (wife) Virginia, (son) Mike, (Son) Joe and their families,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said. “We all know him as the Hall of Fame coach of the Oakland Raiders and broadcaster who worked for every major network, but more than anything, he was a devoted husband, father and grandfather.

“Nobody loved football more than Coach. He was football. He was an incredible sounding board to me and so many others. There will never be another John Madden, and we will forever be indebted to him for all he did to make football and the NFL what it is today.”

What Drinking Black Coffee Says About You

People who drink black coffee might be at a lower risk of developing diseases, such as Parkinson’s, heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes and cancer, according to various studies, CNN reported.

Research also suggests that if you like black coffee, then you’ll also probably like bitter dark chocolate, CNN reported.

“We know there’s growing evidence suggesting there’s a beneficial impact of coffee consumption on health. But reading between the lines, anyone advising someone to consume coffee would typically advise them to consume black coffee due to the difference between consuming black coffee and coffee with milk and sugar,” caffeine researcher Marilyn Cornelis, an associate professor of preventive medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine told CNN.

The health benefits of coffee are more prominent if one decides to forego milk, sugar and creamer, she said.

“One is naturally calorie free,” Cornelis said. “The second can add possibly hundreds of calories to your coffee, and the health benefits could be quite different.”

According to her research, people with this genetic predisposition might like to drink multiple cups of coffee per day because they metabolize caffeine faster, CNN reported.

“The stimulating effects wear off faster, and they need to drink more coffee,” Cornelis said. “This could explain why some individuals seem to be fine consuming a lot more coffee relative to someone else who might get jitters or become very anxious.”

Cornelis believes the proclivity for black coffee has less to do with taste and more to do with the caffeine boost associated with the drink. “Our interpretation is these people equate caffeine’s natural bitterness with a psycho-stimulation effect,” she said. “They learn to associate bitterness with caffeine and the boost they feel. We are seeing a learned effect.”

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation. Writer Kendall Tietz.

Surefire Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is necessary for helping to prevent disease now and in the future. The CDC even says that a “healthy blood sugar range” can delay or prevent heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease, as well as improve your overall mood.

But with this in mind, how do we keep levels at a healthy range?

“There are both short and long-term ways to reduce your blood sugar, but for long-term control, it is best to integrate exercise into your lifestyle, eat a fiber-rich diet, and avoid foods with a low glycemic index,” says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD at Balance One Supplements.

Side effects of high blood sugar

Your blood sugar levels are something that should always be taken seriously, whether they’re too low or too high. According to Best, “chronic elevated blood sugar can lead to harmful side effects ranging from poor cognition, loss of sight, and decrease in circulation leading to possible amputation.”

While it’s important to get regular checkups from your doctor, there are signs you can look for on your own as well. “The three primary physical signs that your blood sugar may be high include increased thirst, frequent urination, and fainting,” says Best.

Here are a few lifestyle and eating changes that can help you lower your blood sugar. 

Manage your carb intake.

According to Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RD, author at GoWellness, focusing on how many and what type of carbs you eat throughout the day is important in lowering your blood sugar.

“Eating too many carbs can cause blood glucose levels to rise, so having a strong hold on what you’re eating is critical, such as prioritizing whole grains over processed grains, as whole grains provide greater nutritional value while also lowering your blood sugar levels,” says D’Angelo.

Eat more soluble fiber.

Including enough fiber in your diet is not only key in managing your blood sugar levels, but it’s important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall.

“In general, fiber slows down carb digestion and sugar absorption, which can help manage blood sugar levels,” says D’Angelo, ” and eating soluble fiber has the ability to improve blood sugar management and minimize blood sugar lows.”

For more soluble fiber in your diet, try incorporating more oats and oatmeal, beans, apples, and citrus fruits.

Get better-quality sleep

Getting enough good-quality sleep is important for your overall health, and without it, your blood sugar levels may suffer.

“Overall, sleep helps maintain blood sugar levels and promotes a healthy weight, so if you’re not getting the sleep your body needs, it will have a hard time functioning even if you’re doing everything else right (ie: eating healthy, exercise, etc.),” says D’Angelo. “Poor sleep can throw off your critical metabolic hormones, which would not help lower your blood sugar levels.”

Article by Samantha Boesch for Eat This, Not That.

The 3G shutdown– These devices may stop working 

While you don’t always need the latest and greatest tech gadgets, there are times when the need to upgrade is essential. This is the case for many people, with cellular networks phasing out the 3G standard. Older smartphones will lose most of their essential functions, including the ability to make and receive calls and texts.

The 3G shutdown will also affect many car models that rely on a network connection for features like GPS, voice assistants and emergency call services. 

It doesn’t stop there, either. The shutdown will impact virtually any connected device running solely on a 3G network. Read on for details and tips on how to avoid being left behind.

3G is going extinct in 2022

With billions of smartphones out there, many people will first feel the impact of the 3G shutdown. Cellular networks began deploying 4G LTE networks in 2010 and phone manufacturers followed with compatible models.

More than a decade later, the three biggest providers have announced they’re phasing out 3G networks in 2022:

  • AT&T said it will shut down 3G networks in February.
  • Verizon said it will pull the plug on 3G on December 31.
  • T-Mobile said it will shut down Sprint 3G networks on March 31. T-Mobile’s own 3G networks will be gone by July 1.

There’s only so much wireless spectrum and infrastructure out there, so the old must be cleared to make way for the new. As 3G phases out, newer 4G and 5G networks will see improvements in performance.

If you use an iPhone 5 or older, you’re out of luck. The same goes for Samsung phones preceding the Droid Charge. If your Amazon Kindle uses AT&T’s Whispernet service, it’ll also be bricked.

Luckily, many cellphone companies are offering special upgrade incentives and pricing if you need a new phone. Check with your provider for any available 3G retirement plans. They can also tell you if your phone will be affected.

Did your car make the list?

Newer cars are adapting 4G and 5G connectivity for safety and convenience features. That’s not to say you’ll have to ditch your 3G-only capable vehicle. In some cases, you may be able to get an update, though you may be charged for it or even face a subscription fee.

Popular car models from major manufacturers will be affected, including the 2014-2017 Acura MDX, 2013-2018 Audi A4/Allroad, 2018-2020 Honda Accord (Touring trim), all Lexus models produced from 2010-2017, Tesla Model S vehicles produced before June 2015, and the 2013-2017 Toyota Camry, among others. 

Beyond phones and cars

Virtually any connected device running solely on a 3G network will be affected by the shutdown. Even with Wi-Fi support, use will be limited. The FCC lists tablets, home security, smartwatches and medical devices among the impacted groups of devices. If your 3G device uses cellular connectivity as a backup when its wired network connection goes down, it will also cease to function properly.

Some of the newest medical devices still run on 3G and even 2G networks, since they are cheaper to produce. Contact the manufacturer of your device via their official website or phone number. If you have to upgrade, make sure that 4G support is included.

The FCC’s Lifeline program can assist low-income consumers with phone and internet services with a discount. Go to for more information.

The FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provides a discount of up to $50 per month for broadband service. A one-time discount of $100 for a computer or tablet is also available. 

The change is coming whether you like it or not and it’s coming soon. Start getting ready now.

🚨 What it means for you

The 3G shutdown will be far-reaching and impact a lot more than just your cellphone. If you have older internet-connected devices at home, expect at least some of them to lose important features that rely on a cell connection.

✅ Use a connected medical device? Contact your doctor or the manufacturer to check if there is any upgrade you need to make now.

✅ As with any big development in the tech world, you can bet scammers will jump on it. Be wary of emails, texts and letters from companies saying you need to take action. A reputable company will never ask for your personal details unprompted. If you receive a notification, contact the company through another means to confirm it is legitimate.

By Albert Khoury

Source: The 3G shutdown impacts more than just your phone (

How to Make the Perfect Charcuterie Board


What is charcuterie?

Those pretty meat and cheese boards you see all over social media are a trend that actually originated with meat spreads in 15th-century France. The definition of charcuterie is “the culinary art of preparing meat products,” according to The Organic Kitchen. Charcuterie was actually developed out of necessity — it’s the way meats were preserved long before refrigeration came about.

How is charcuterie pronounced?

Pronounced shahr-ku-tuh-ree, the word “charcuterie” is French for “pork butcher shop.” The more you know!

Charcuterie boards are trending online and on social media, and for good reason: They’re pleasing to look at and even more satisfying to eat. As a party appetizer option, meat and cheese boards are extremely versatile. (For vegetarians and vegans, charcuterie boards these days don’t necessarily have to include meat or cheese, FYI.) 

What makes charcuterie boards so ideal is that they can be completely customized for any occasion or celebration, big or small, and you can put virtually anything on one. Here, you’ll find answers to all your charcuterie questions, plus tons of unique charcuterie board ideas for you to try out the next time you host — from festive platters that will feed a crowd at Christmas, to simple spreads for two that make the perfect starter for a romantic date night dinner.

Craving even more inspiration? Check out our picks for where to buy the best charcuterie boards and serving accessories online, plus Instagram accounts to follow for step-by-step tutorials, fresh ideas, and pictures that will have you making heart eyes for days. What are you waiting for? Let’s get into it.

YIELDS:8 – 10 servings PREP TIME: 30 mins TOTAL TIME: 30 mins


8 oz.  Gruyère cheese, sliced

8 oz. Roquefort cheese, sliced

1/4 lb. sliced mortadella

1/4 lb. sliced Genoa salami 

1/4 lb. thinly sliced prosciutto 

1 apple, thinly sliced 

4 oz. caramelized pecans 

1 package thin breadsticks 

1 bunch Concord grapes 

1/2 c. Castelvetrano olives 

1 recipe marinated mushrooms 

1 recipe spinach-artichoke dip

Dried mangoes

Dried cherries

Dried peaches

Dried plums 

8 oz. feta cheese

Garlic chile oil, for drizzling over feta 

6 oz. Gouda, sliced 

1/4 lb. soppressata, sliced 

1 bunch Champagne grapes 

1 package Lesley Stowe Raincoast Crisps Cranberry and Hazelnut Crackers  

4 oz. Fig spread 

6 oz. manchego cheese, sliced 

1 package Everything crackers 


  1. Arrange cheeses on 3-4 medium-sized serving boards.
  2. Set out small dishes for olives, marinated mushrooms, spinach-artichoke dip, spicy feta, and fig jam.
  3. Arrange meats alongside cheeses, folding some slices and fanning out others.
  4. Fill in the empty spaces on and around your boards with fresh and dried fruit, pecans, breadsticks, and crackers.
  5. Don’t forget to set out toothpicks, serving spoons, and cheese knives for guests to serve themselves.

What should be on a charcuterie platter?

Along with the traditional cured meat, the addition of paired cheeses and accompaniments like fruit, nuts, olives, and spreads are common in restaurants that serve charcuterie boards. Here’s what you’ll find on a traditional charcuterie board:

  • Cured meat
  • Cheeses
  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • Fruits and Veggies
  • Crackers
  • Jellies and jams

Pro tip: Using a bunch of smaller boards instead of one big one means you can move servings around to feed a crowd.

Brunch Charcuterie Board

charcuterie board ideas breakfast or brunch charcuterie board

Keep the party going in the morning with a next-level brunch! Arrange mini pancakes and waffles, bacon, hard-boiled eggs, sliced avocado, sausage, and fruit on a platter; blueberry sauce and cinnamon maple butter spread (combine 1 stick unsalted butter at room temp with 3 Tbsp maple syrup and 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon) round out the tray.

Article by Jamie Kravitz for Women’s Day. There are more boards to browse at the link below. Copy and paste the link.

Source: How to Make the Perfect Charcuterie Board – Charcuterie Board Ideas (

Trench Composting With Kitchen Scraps

While plenty of gardeners have dabbled with composting to some extent, achieving that sought after “black gold”—rich, nutrient-dense soil—is every gardener’s holy grail. But not everyone with a green thumb knows that there are a variety of ways to compost. If you don’t like having a constant pile of compost “cooking” in your backyard, trench composting may be just what you’re looking for.

Trench Composting: The “Lazy Man’s” Method

Trench composting is known as the “lazy man’s” method of composting because you’re burying your kitchen scraps directly into the soil, right in the garden. This hassle-free method is an easy way to enrich your soil without the odors, turning and watering, and the unsightly view of a large compost bucket or pile in your backyard.

While this method may be new to you, trench composting is far from a new method. In fact, it has been used to enrich soil by almost every civilization for thousands of years. In fact, when Native Americans buried fish under their mounds of corn, they were trench composting.

Why Choose Trench Composting?

Burying organic waste and waiting for it to decompose to add nutrients back to the soil creates an underground band of nutrients for your plants. It is one of the easiest ways to utilize your waste while returning organic material back to your soil. Your plants also get the nutrients they need without the hassle of aerating and sifting like you have to do with other compost methods.

Best of all, your pile of disintegrating kitchen scraps is out of sight and can fit just about anywhere you have diggable dirt. There are no wafting odors emanating from your decaying matter and, if buried correctly, it won’t attract vermin like other compost techniques sometimes can.

Trench Composting Methods

The term “trench” is used loosely, as it is basically digging a hole, filling it with kitchen scraps and garden waste, then filling it back up with soil. There are multiple ways you can effectively use this type of composting. The one you choose depends on what time of year it is and what type of gardens you have.

1. Dig and Drop Method

Agriculture - Farmer digging in the soil.

This is the simplest method of trench composting. It is a great way to compost large amounts of material at once, and an effective way of adding nutrients to your garden off-season. First, gather a week or two’s worth of scraps in a five-gallon bucket or composting pail. Dig a hole roughly 12 inches deep and wide enough to bury whatever scraps you have collected, dump in 4-6 inches of compostable material, and cover it back up with dirt.

Within a few months, the composting material will have broken down and enriched your soil with no extra work from you. Not sure what to do with your leaves in the fall? This method also works well. Simply bury them around your garden or flower beds. Mowing them up first will help them decompose quicker.

2. Trench Between Rows/Side Dress Method

These methods are effective during your growing season. It fertilizes and adds nutrients to existing plants. Simply dig holes or trenches a few inches out from the roots of your vegetable or flower plants and bury your everyday compostable material. As it breaks down, it will feed extra nutrients to the plants nearby as they grow. Used coffee grounds (filter and all) are an especially great side dressing for plants, providing extra nitrogen and improving soil structure. Crushed eggshells add a boost of calcium as they break down, great for preventing blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers. If trenching between rows, be sure to plant rows far enough apart so that you don’t harm roots while digging.

3. Trench Rotation Method

Image used with permission by the

This is another great way to incorporate organic matter into your garden’s soil while it’s growing. First, divide your garden into three zones: trench composting zone, pathway zone (where you’ll walk), and growing zone. Each year you rotate your zones, moving your trench zone to a different part of your garden, while also shifting your pathway and growing zones as well. After three years, you will have compost under every part of your garden. Just keep rotating and nourishing your soil.

Here’s What You Can Add To Your Trench

As with regular bin composting, trench composting is the perfect way to dispose of organic kitchen waste, including these items:

  • Kitchen Scraps such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells.
  • Grass Clippings: Leave an open space in your garden to bury grass clippings this summer. Rotate your spot each year to help nourish your soil.
  • Fall Leaves: Raked up and mowed leaves can also go in your trench compost. As with bin composting, leaves are considered “brown,” so it is helpful to balance them with some “green” so that all of the nitrogen in your soil isn’t taken up to help decompose the leaves. If you do add leaves in the fall, simply cover the leaves with other nitrogen rich items, such as grass clippings, vegetable waste, and coffee grounds.
  • Surprise! Tea bags, cotton or wool rags, dryer lint, fireplace ash, hair, and animal fur—all can be added to your trench compost.

Here’s What You Can’t Add To Your Trench

As with any composting, with the exception of Bokashi composting, there are a few things you will want to avoid throwing in your trench compost.

  • Animal Waste: In order to avoid the risk of pathogen spread, animal feces should not be planted within ten feet of any edible crops. It can be used, however, in trenches along ornamental gardens or in landscaped areas of your yard as long as it stays buried and can’t be dug up by young children.
  • Diseased Plant Material: If you suspect any plant of having a disease, you will want to avoid tossing that in your compost. Unlike pile composting, trench composting produces very little heat and is not very effective at destroying pathogens. You don’t want to risk spreading the problem.
  • Weeds with Seeds: If a weed has gone to seed, leave it out. After all, you don’t want to be putting weeds back into your garden (we spend enough time pulling them out)!
  • Vegetable Seeds: While these seeds are friendly seeds, you don’t want vegetables to sprout where they aren’t intended. Try and avoid tossing veggie seeds in with your scraps, particularly tomato seeds.
  • Wood: Sticks, branches, and wood chips, while organic, often take way too long to decompose, robbing your soil of nitrogen in the process. Also, avoid adding commercial-grade lumber to your pile, as it is usually chemically treated.
  • Certain Paper: While newspaper and brown bags can enhance your soil, avoid magazine and catalog paper as these are often made with toxic materials.
  • Used Cooking Oil and Fat: Fats and grease don’t easily breakdown and can also coat other materials, slowing decomposition.
  • Meat and Dairy: The jury is still out as to whether you can bury meat and dairy in your trench compost piles. With the food buried directly into your garden, you won’t have to worry about unpleasant stenches coming from the quickly decaying products, however it is still possible to attract vermin and other unwanted pests from digging up your garden. While some gardeners use trenches to compost meat and dairy, if your gardens are near your house, it is probably best to err on the side of caution and leave them out.
  • Inorganic Materials: For obvious reasons, you’ll want to avoid adding any inorganic materials to our trenches. Plastics, cleaning solutions, fertilizers, and pesticides can all transfer toxins to your soil and ultimately into whatever you grow.

Trench Composting Tips

  1. If you wish, you can line your trenches with newspaper to help retain water.
  2. The more shredded the material, the more quickly it will decompose.
  3. While you can trench compost all year, even during growing season, fall is a great time to amp up your digging. After you have harvested most of your plants, you will have plenty of room to dig large holes or trenches to fill with leaves, organic kitchen waste, and grass clippings. Fill your hole before the ground freezes, leaving all that nutritious waste to decompose over winter leaving you with better soil come spring!

The Downside of Trench Composting

Some common drawbacks of trench composting are that you have to dig holes and cover them with dirt every time you bury your kitchen waste, which isn’t for everyone. Those holes cannot be refilled until everything you have buried has decomposed or you will create a big mess digging it back up.

While trench composting is a great way to add nutrients to your soil in the off-season, once the ground freezes, digging holes can be tricky. Also, because there is little aeration in trench composting, items take longer to decompose than traditional compost piles. However, if you have the space and the time, trench composting is an inexpensive and easy way to create beautiful nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

Article by Natalie LaVolpe.

Source: Farmers’ Almanac