No More Weeding! These 11 Perennial Flowers Can Outcompete Weeds

Weeding is one of the least enjoyable tasks for any gardener. Constantly battling unwanted plants can take away the joy of growing your garden. Fortunately, there are perennial flowers that not only add beauty to your garden but also outcompete weeds, making your life much easier. As a gardener who loves to see vibrant flowers without the hassle of weeds, I’m excited to share these wonderful plants with you!

In this article, we’ll explore 11 perennial flowers that can effectively suppress weeds by outcompeting them. These plants are hardy, vigorous growers that create dense foliage, preventing weeds from gaining a foothold. Let’s dive in and discover how these amazing flowers can transform your garden into a low-maintenance haven!


Coneflowers (Echinacea) are not only beautiful but also excellent at outcompeting weeds. Their large, daisy-like flowers and strong root systems allow them to establish quickly and dominate garden spaces. Coneflowers’ robust growth creates a dense mat of foliage, which shades the ground and prevents weed seeds from germinating.

To grow coneflowers, plant them in full sun and well-drained soil. They are drought-tolerant and require minimal maintenance once established. Their long blooming period from summer to fall ensures your garden remains vibrant while keeping weeds at bay. I love these flowers for their beauty and practicality!


Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are known for their vibrant blooms and tough nature. These perennials spread quickly through their fibrous root systems, forming dense clumps that crowd out weeds. Daylilies come in various colors and bloom throughout the summer, adding continuous color to your garden.

Plant daylilies in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. They are remarkably low-maintenance, requiring little more than occasional watering and deadheading to remove spent blooms. Daylilies are perfect for gardeners looking to reduce weeding while enjoying a burst of color!


Hostas are beloved for their lush foliage and shade tolerance. These perennials form large, dense clumps that effectively suppress weeds by covering the soil surface. Hostas are available in a variety of leaf shapes, sizes, and colors, making them versatile and attractive garden additions.

To grow hostas, plant them in partial to full shade and rich, well-drained soil. They require regular watering, especially during dry periods. Hostas’ expansive leaves create a beautiful ground cover that prevents weeds from emerging, making them ideal for low-maintenance gardens.

Here are the other plants that are noted for their weed-suppressing abilities:



Lamb’s Ear

Bee Balm


Black-Eyed Susan



Source: The Garden Magazine©

Photo credit: Credit: Unsplash © Provided by The Garden Magazine

Ask A Doctor: What Happens If Rosacea Is Left Untreated?

Expert opinion from Gustavo Campos

Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Brazil

The patient may develop some complications. One of them is rhinophyma. In this case, the nose will become reddened and swollen. Conjunctivitis is also another complication, as like other ocular problems. In fact, there is even a chance for corneal scarring and perforation. Redness of the skin can become permanent and this can lead to psychological distress.

Expert opinion from Marcella Abunahman Pereira

Specialization in Clinical Cardiology · 12 years of experience · Brazil

If you don’t treat rosacea, you can end up with permanent facial blushing or flushing, visible veins, swollen bumps, burning sensation, eye problems such as dry, irritated, swollen eyes and eyelids, and enlarged nose because over time, rosacea can thicken the skin on the nose, causing the nose to appear bulbous.

Expert opinion from Mohan P. Abraham

M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience · USA

The redness can become permanent and prominent on your face. Also, the eyes will be affected, causing dryness, itching, or bloodshot eyes.

Sometimes rosacea follows a progression, going from temporary flushing of the nose and cheeks, to longer lasting flushing, then to the appearance of a rash and small blood vessels beneath the skin. If left untreated, the skin may thicken and enlarge, leading to firm, red bumps, especially on the nose

Source: Microsoft Start Health©

The Benefits of EFT Tapping

Close up of a person with long brown hair massaging one of the EFT tapping points on their head to relax themselves.

What Is EFT Tapping?

EFT — sometimes referred to as “tapping” or “psychological acupressure” — is a somatic treatment meant to help soothe stress and strengthen the mind-body connection, Stretcher says.

Somatic therapies like EFT work by helping to release trauma and stress stored in the body, Stretcher adds, and often use a combination of body movement and thought practice to help people move through tension.

Like the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture, EFT uses meridian points — or energy centers — on the face and upper body to calm both your central nervous system and your mind. But instead of using acupuncture needles to access these meridians, EFT uses fingers to “tap” and apply pressure to the body.

As you tap, you repeat a phrase that both addresses and accepts the source of discomfort.‌ For example: “Even though I have a problem (e.g., stress, anxiety, etc.), I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Both the tapping and phrase work together to regulate the nervous system and reduce “cognitive noise” or unwanted thoughts, says Melissa Miller, LMHC, a psychotherapist with FOLX Health.

Often, EFT is used as an in-the-moment coping skill to help with a broad range of symptoms, including pain, anxiety and depression, as well as physical markers of distress like high blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels, Miller says.

“Tapping allows for the body and mind to let go of negative emotions that arise from distressing occurrences,” Miller says.

In fact, research has shown that EFT tapping is effective for managing anxiety, depression, PTSD and phobias.

What Are the EFT Tapping Points?

Each EFT tapping point has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and is believed to improve energy flow and bring balance to the body and corresponding internal organs.

In psychology, though: “It is thought these meridians may relate to the nervous system. Tapping these points may help you return to a regulated parasympathetic (or ‘rest and digest’) state,” Stretcher says.

There are 12 meridian points in traditional Chinese medicine, and many more acupuncture points, but EFT focuses on nine major points, which include the following, per Miller:

  • The palm point:‌ side of the palm, directly below the pinky finger
  • The eyebrow point:‌ inner edge of each eyebrow, near the nose bridge
  • The side eye point:‌ the bone along either eye, below the eyebrow
  • The under eye point:‌ below either eye and on top of the cheekbone
  • The under nose point:‌ the area directly below the nose and above the lips
  • The chin point:‌ the crease between the chin and bottom lip
  • The collarbone point:‌ one inch below each collarbone
  • The under the arm point:‌ about one hand-width down from the armpit
  • Top of the head:‌ the crown of the head

Even with these nine points in mind, it’s important to remember that EFT isn’t limited to only these points. Rather, these points were chosen because they are easy to find, access and get into a routine with, Miller says.

How to Do EFT Tapping

The EFT technique combines the physical act of tapping and a mental exercise (or “set-up statement”) to find physical and emotional comfort.

Here are the steps, according to Miller:

  1. Identify what you want to focus on. This could be something physical like a backache, or something causing emotional distress, like fear of missing an important work deadline.
  2. Rate the intensity of your feeling on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being the most intense.
  3. Create a set-up statement to address the issue. Your set-up statement should acknowledge the issue and its affect on you. Then, accept the issue. For example, if you are concerned about missing a work deadline, Miller suggests a statement like, “Even though I am worried, I accept how I feel.”
  4. Starting with your palm point, tap the area and repeat your set-up statement three times. Ideally, you are tapping each point only five to seven times, so if your set-up statement is long, Miller recommends shortening your statement as you tap your various points to something simple like, “anxious about deadline.”
  5. Then, move through the other eight tapping points while repeating your set-up statement. One full EFT sequence includes all nine points.
  6. Afterward, take a moment to rate your feelings on a scale of 0 to 5, and compare how you feel before and after.
  7. Repeat more EFT sequences until your score is lowered to a comfortable amount.
  8. Then, if needed, repeat the tapping points using affirmations. For example: “I am safe,” or “I choose to let go of this anxiety.”

The Benefits of EFT Tapping

While EFT is still being researched, there are a few studies that show tapping is an effective treatment for mental health issues — even for people who experience acute PTSD.

There are not many studies on EFT and PTSD in particular, but one older, stand-out February 2013 study from the ‌Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease‌ found that EFT significantly reduced psychological distress in veterans with PTSD. Even more impressive, after only six EFT sessions, researchers found that 90 percent of veterans involved no longer met clinical PTSD criteria.

Other research has found EFT to be helpful for the following, according to Purdue University:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Physical pain
  • Food cravings

And while the research is greatly limited and more studies need to be done, the previous ‌Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine‌ review suggests EFT tapping is potentially associated with some physical improvements in the body — like reduced blood pressure, cortisol levels and food cravings possibly tied to stress eating (which may aid in weight-loss efforts).

Source: ©


Many of us have heard of “The 5 Love Languages” concept theorized by Dr. Gary Chapman – a renowned marriage counselor – in his book of the same name released over 20 years ago.  Chapman theorizes we all have a primary and secondary way we like to be loved, and that there are 5 major categories expressions of love fall into:

1) Words of Affirmation

2) Acts of Service

3) Quality Time

4) Physical Touch

5) Receiving Gifts

It is believed that learning about our loved ones most effective method enables us to cater our ways of affection best suited to their preference, which can transform our relationships by getting to the core of how they receive love and connect best.

Once you unlock your family’s love language, use the chart below as a guide on how to cater your affections to the deepest needs of each family member.

©The 5 Love Languages

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Vertical Plants for Your Garden

Floral arrangers and garden designers alike use strong vertical accents to bring drama and excitement to round or frilly plants and flowers. Here are a few both tried-and-true and newer ideas to help your own garden look up!

Columnar Apple Trees

Dwarf apple trees can be pruned into columnar form for both a nice accent as well as easy picking in small spaces.


Lupines are classic summer accents for cool-climate gardens.


Festival Burgundy Cordyline is an easy and popular eye-catching accent for beds or containers.


Topiary plants such as this pair of sheared bay laurels both accent and tone down a small entry.


Popular Cheeses That Contain Wood Pulp

Check the label next time you buy shredded cheese, because you may get more than what you bargained for. The first example is a Great Value finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese which contains real cheese, along with some powdered cellulose to prevent caking. The Sargento four cheese blend also contains this substance. Even Frigo’s flaked Parmesan or Kraft’s grated version has it too.

What is Cellulose Powder?

This substance is Basically just plant fiber that you can extract from any plant. But the industry tends to use wood because it’s more available and cheaper. Unfortunately, it offers no nutritional benefits like other plant fibers do. According to regulators, cellulose in large amounts does little more than add dietary bulk and may cause a laxative effect. This could be the body’s way of trying to remove substances it shouldn’t take in.

Even though this cheese might not have any nutritional value, the FDA considered it to be safe. The bigger problem has been companies like Walmart and Kraft, both of whom faced lawsuits for advertising their products as 100% cheese. The FDA allows 4% cellulose to be in them, but lawsuits claim some had 9%. Therefore, makers like Great Value have removed the phrase 100% cheese from their packaging.

Some argue this filler is not only an anti-taking agent but also a cost-saving measure for companies. If you want to avoid consuming this filler, buy blocks of cheese and shredding it yourself. Not only will this help you know exactly what you’re eating, but the food you prepare with it will also have a more desirable result.

Shredded Cheese With No Filler

Thankfully, we still have a few filler-free prepackaged options available. Grated Parmesan from 4C does not contain this substance. Cracker Barrel and Tillamook shredded varieties are also made free from cellulose. Raw Farm shredded cheddar, which can be found at Sprouts, is made with only milk, cultures, and salt.

It’s hard to believe non-food products are so prevalent at the grocery store today. Hopefully one day, we won’t need to worry about ingesting unsuitable substances.

Source: ©

Ted Talks that teach public speaking

Do you have a big presentation coming up for work? Are you just looking to learn a new skill? You don’t have to be a naturally charismatic orator to tell compelling stories, but a few tips can go a long way to help you share your ideas in the most engaging way possible. These TED Talks will help you get prepared and start mastering the art of communicating effectively.

Here is a link to some very fine Ted Talks that will help you understand the secret ingredients to a TED Talk and how you can use those ingredients when developing your own talk or presentation.

Cut and paste this web site and start learning.

Top TED talks on public speaking | Blog

New Year New You

Are you one to make a New Year’s Resolution for yourself? Whether you are or not, it can be a personal goal that you can set. Setting a personal goal for yourself can be what drives you to be a better you. You can set a goal for yourself any day, not just on the first of the new year. It does not have to just be about getting your body in shape. You can also focus on getting your mind in shape. Getting your mood in shape (especially with those Winter Blues).  Getting your education/grades in shape. So it really can be a New Year, New You.

Are You Ready for the new Semester?

Are you ready to succeed? Don’t stop learning because life keeps teaching.

Pat Sajak Set for Final ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Episode

Pat Sajak, 77, is retiring Friday from the syndicated hangman-style puzzle game show after 41 seasons and 8,010 episodes, holding the Guinness Book of World Records spot for longest-running host on the same show.

Since 1981, the dry-witted Sajak has helmed “Wheel of Fortune” with a star boost from co-host and vaunted letter-turner Vanna White to massive global popularity.

The departing host has taped a farewell to the TV audience for Friday’s show. But Sajak avoided a farewell media tour, giving his only exit interview to his daughter Maggie Sajak, who joined the show as its social correspondent in 2021. Sajak called his tenure “awfully gratifying” in the interview, posted to the “Wheel of Fortune” media sites.

“This was announced a long time ago, almost a year ago. So I’ve had time to sort of get used to it. And it’s been a little bit wistful and all that,” Sajak told his daughter, “I’ve been enjoying it, taking it all in and reflecting on the great run.”

The Army veteran took a trip down career memory lane, detailing a career that included a Vietnam War stint working the morning show on Armed Forces Radio (with the traditional greeting, “Good morning, Vietnam!”).

In the internet era, Sajak accidentally created regular viral moments with his sometimes-awkward guest interactions. The National Review contributor drew controversy by exposing his right-wing views and posting global-warming denialist social media posts.

However, with an annual salary estimated by Forbes at $15 million in 2016, Sajak leaves “Wheel of Fortune” with his own sizable fortune. He’s still perplexed by the secret of the show’s longevity.

The show will go on. ABC’s primetime “Celebrity Wheel of Fortune” is plotting a return for a new season, with the possibility that Sajak and White will host. Meanwhile, White will remain on “Wheel of Fortune, with Ryan Seacrest stepping into Sajak’s shoes in September.


Photo credit:

D-Day: The Allied Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944

Operation Overlord: U.S. soldiers watch the Normandy coast from a Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel ( LCVP ) heading towards Omaha Beach Easy Red sector. Several vehicles are already present and white smoke can be seen in the distance. (June 6, 1944). (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images)

What Was D-Day?

In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, the Allies launched an attack by sea, landing on the beaches of Normandy on the northern coast of Nazi-occupied France.  The first day of this major undertaking was known as D-Day; it was the first day of the Battle of Normandy (code-named Operation Overlord) in World War II.

On D-day, an armada of approximately 5,000 ships secretly crossed the English Channel and unloaded 156,000 Allied soldiers and nearly 30,000 vehicles in a single day on five, well-defended beaches (Omaha, Utah, Pluto, Gold, and Sword). By the end of the day, 2,500 Allied soldiers had been killed and another 6,500 wounded, but the Allies had succeeded, for they had broken through the German defenses and created a second front in World War II.

The Nazis knew the Allies were planning an invasion. In preparation, they had fortified all northern ports, especially the one at Pas de Calais, which was the shortest distance from southern Britain. 

The Allies desperately worried about German reinforcements. An amphibious attack against an entrenched enemy would already be incredibly difficult; however, if the Germans ever found out where and when the invasion was to take place and thus reinforced the area, well, the attack might end disastrously.

Despite a number of things not going to plan, D-Day was a success. The Allies had been able to keep the invasion a surprise and, with Rommel out of town and Hitler believing the landings at Normandy were a ruse for a real landing at Calais, the Germans never reinforced their position. After initial heavy fighting along the beaches, the Allied troops were able to secure their landings and break through German defenses to enter the interior of France.


By June 7, the day after D-Day, the Allies were beginning the placement of two Mulberries, artificial harbors whose components had been pulled by tugboat across the Channel. These harbors would allow millions of tons of supplies to reach the invading Allied troops.

The success of D-Day was the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. Eleven months after D-Day, the war in Europe would be over.
