March Journal Writing Prompts


  1. What are you looking forward to this month?
  2. What is something you’ve been putting off that can finally get done this month?
  3. What are some ways you like to relax?
  4. What is the most surprising (good) thing to ever happen to you?
  5. Do you consider yourself to be a jealous person? Is there someone you’re jealous of right now? What do they have that you desire?
  6. Look back to yesterday’s prompt. Can you find a way to feel happy for the person you’re jealous of? To celebrate for them? Are you ready to release your jealousy? How does releasing jealousy feel in your body?
  7. How comfortable are you with confrontation and asserting yourself? Do you frequently find yourself saying “yes” when you’d rather say “no?”
  8. What is your favorite part of your body? What do you like about it? 
  9. If you could go back in time and change any moment, what would it be?
  10. What are some random acts of kindness you can do this month?
  11. Is there anything you still haven’t told your parents?
  12. March 12th is Plant a Flower Day – What are your favorite flowers?
  13. What is the best compliment someone could give you?
  14. Is there some area of your life where you’re holding yourself back? Why and how?
  15. What are you grateful for this month?
  16. List something you are not happy with right now. Now brainstorm three action steps you could take to address the issue.
  17. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
  18. How can you love yourself more?
  19. How do you find joy in every day?
  20. March 20th is the International Day of Happiness – List 10 things that make you happy.
  21. Spring is here! What is your favorite part about this season?
  22. Do you have fun plans for this spring?
  23. What are your favorite spring flowers and plants?
  24. What is your favorite spring memory?
  25. What defines success to you?
  26. How have you changed the most in the last 5 years?
  27. What does failure mean to you?
  28. If you could have any weather right now, what would it be?
  29. Write a love letter to yourself.
  30. Write down some of your favorite quotations. Why do you like them?
  31. It’s the last day of the first quarter – how did it go for you? What goals do you have for the next three months?


Author: Dennis Hickey

There are no limits to success to those who never stop learning. Learning will nourish your personal growth. I hope you enjoy this website and visit often so you too keep learning and growing.

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