April Fool’s Day–Monday April 1, 2019

April Fools’ Day is a yearly observance on the first of April during which pranks and silly behavior are socially sanctioned and merriment is supposed to reign. Customary practices range from simple practical jokes played on friends, family, and coworkers to elaborate media hoaxes concocted for mass consumption.

It’s a day of sanctioned pranks and gags, jests and jokes and hoaxes. Dating back hundreds of years and recognized in countries all over the world, April Fools’ Day (a.k.a. All Fools’ Day) gives credible media sources an excuse to produce “fake news” and radio DJs permission to hoodwink their loyal listeners.

Whether it’s strategically placed whoopee cushions, or elaborately concocted tall tales told to trick others, April Fools’ Day jokers mark the day on their calendar annually, so beware April 1 or be fooled.

Do you partake in April Fool’s Day pranks ?

Author: Dennis Hickey

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