Conversation Starters– New Year’s Day

Are any of the things similar to New Year’s celebrations in your country?
What traditional ways of welcoming the New Year do you have in your family or in your region?
How old are your New Year traditions? Did your grandparents celebrate in the same way?
Are children allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve in your country?
Are there any special meals or activities for New Year’s Day?
What are you and your family planning to do this year?
Did you speak English over the holidays? Who with?
Did you read anything in English, or see an English film? Which one?
Did you celebrate New Year’s Eve? What did you do?
Were these holidays ‘typical’ holidays? Did you do anything different? What?
Did you see your family this holiday? Who did you see?
Did you have a special meal during the holidays? What did you eat?
Can you think of two things you were happy about from last year?
What are you looking forward to this year? If you aren’t looking forward to this year, why aren’t you?
Have you ever made any of these popular New Year’s resolutions?
Would you like to do make any of them?
Quit smoking?
Eat more healthily?
Do more exercise?
Lose weight?
Learn a language?
Are you going to take a holiday this year?
Where are you going to go?
Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution?
What was it?
Were you successful?
If you had another week of holidays, what would you do?
What two things would you like to see or do this year?
Can you think of funny or serious resolutions for the following people.
Donald Trump?
The Queen?
A famous pop star you like.
Was last year a good year for you? In what way or why not?

If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it.


Author: Dennis Hickey

There are no limits to success to those who never stop learning. Learning will nourish your personal growth. I hope you enjoy this website and visit often so you too keep learning and growing.

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