How to Make Polite Conversation

Hello!  This is a commonsense article about making polite conversation.  Not deep, philosophical ones, but more getting-to- know -you types of conversations.

In this frenzied world we live in, we really need this kind of old-fashioned, thoughtful conversation to connect with someone and feel human.  (Our political leaders should be the one’s reading this and taking careful notes.)

Being polite can help you have better relationships with people and even open doors for you professionally. It’s also a great way to make other people feel appreciated and comfortable around you. The best part? Politeness is easy to learn and will become second nature the more you practice. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. Below you’ll find simple steps you can take to start being more polite with other people, including friends, family, coworkers, and strangers.

1. Greeting People Politely


Smile when greeting someone. When first meeting or greeting someone, offer them a warm smile. Smiling indicates that you are in good spirits and are happy to see them. It helps to establish friendliness from the beginning as the smile is the first impression that people usually make when meeting someone.

2. Say hello

Instead of just walking by someone you know or ignoring someone you are supposed to be meeting, greet them with a warm ‘hello.’ You do not need to wait for them to say it to you first; it’s okay to be the initiator.

  • For example, “Hello, Mr. Sanderson. It’s great to meet you! My name is Emma Payne and I work in cybersecurity.”

3. Shake hands firmly and assertively

 When meeting someone, take their hand into your right hand and grasp it firmly, shaking it up and down once. Respect the other person by not squeezing their hand too hard in an attempt to “dominate” them. If you know them well, you might hug them instead.

  • There are many different ways people around the world greet each other, and these greetings may not always involve handshaking. Be aware of what’s appropriate in the country you’re living in. You can go online to find out if you’re unsure.

Author: Dennis Hickey

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